The past few years I have been wrestling with and studying the subject of gender equality/inequality, mainly as it relates to the Bible. The issue first hit my heart in 2013 when my husband and I were leading a house church with another married couple. We were having leadership meetings every week for general church maintenance, vision, etc. one week the topic of women teaching came up (there were many areas in which we had yet to take an official stance as a church, and this was one of them). Up to that point, the four of us had been teaching on a four week rotation, and any other member who wanted to teach could interrupt that schedule or join the rotation at any time. When the subject came up, we all decided to research it together, but in the end we turned out just as confused as we had begun. We didn't really know where to begin. We decided to just keep things the way they had been and revisit the topic at a later time, but my heart was now full of questions.
I didn't actively pursue answers right away, though, having a new baby, going to school, and co-leading two ministries at the time. Months later (although the time line is fuzzy--it might even have been a year later) a friend gave me a book on the topic, and thus begun my study. I will post a few of the books I have read below. I also want to share a 3 part series taught by Dr. Gilbert Bilezikian that I've found helpful.
I invite your questions and comments.
In the future I hope to be able to share more of my story and some of the conclusions I have come to. Thanks for reading!
Part 1 of Dr. Bilezikian's 3-part teaching on The Hermeneutics of Mutuality: 2:
Part 3 (at the end of this video it cuts away to a lady and a man sitting at a table and talking, and I'm not sure what that's about... I'm trying to find a full recording somewhere):
Glad you're writing about this, can't wait to read more!